
The Biology project has past, but I would like to try and continue updating this blog. Only, I may not necessarily focus on Tay-Sachs directly. Currently, for an English career project, I am researching and eventually writing a argumentative paper about gene therapy. Though Tay-Sachs may not currently have a cure, gene therapy is a possibility to look towards. There hasn't been official human testing, just animals and it has been used for relieving symptoms, but that is about it so far. In my paper, I am arguing for gene therapy. There are views that gene therapy is dangerous/very risky and it could lead to genetic doping. I'm not saying these things aren't possible, but gene therapy is a relatively new procedure and there are two forms of gene therapy: Somatic (body cells) and Germline (sex cells). Somatic cells only affects an individual and currently has been pretty successful. Germline affects the individual but could also affect offspring. Currently, affects aren't very well known, but it could potentially take the bad gene. Still, just want to make sure that I am only a high school student interested in the topic and not a medical professional, so though the information may be correct, it may not be right for you. If any information isn't correct or anything else, tell me and I'll see to it. Thank you very much.