Controversies on Some Treatments/Cures

Like in the previous post, there is hope in treatment and even better, a cure, but the problem is, many of the ways so far has some controversy. For example, one kind of treatment they are looking into is stem cells. One way, Embryonic Stem Cell Replacement Therapy, has four possible sources, but 3 (the controversial ones) come from embryonic/blastocyst (stage before the official embryo stage) that would most likely end up dying anyways. For example, stem cells could be taken from leftover embryos from in vitros, but whether it is humane to take cells of a embryo is the main problem.

Aside from this, I found this book, Genes & Disease: Tay-Sachs Disease by Jeri Freedman. It contains information of not only the disease alone, but also research for treatments/cures, the cause of the disease, the history and more.

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